The Arminian/Calvinism Conflict and Why It Matters | Part One

This series is from the From the Editor’s Desk column of the Sword and Trumpet. The articles were co-authored by Paul Emerson and myself.

Throughout church history the two truths of the free will of man and the sovereignty of God have often been presented as oppositional to one another. Whole systems of dogmatic theology have been developed to validate that opposition. One side of the debate emphasizes human free will while compromising God’s sovereign authority. The other emphasizes divine sovereignty to the extreme, neglecting due emphasis on human responsibility. Both systems break down eventually since they are primarily based on philosophy, logic, and experience rather than on Scripture.

In the upcoming series of editorials to be published in this column, we purpose to examine the historical contexts of this bitter debate, point out the fallacies involved in unconditional endorsement of any man-derived theological system, quote from our predecessors on the matter, explain the issues at stake for Anabaptists, and call for a Scripturally accurate interpretation of these issues. The result will not agree with the current man-made systems of thought that for the most part flow from human logic rather than from Scripture.

Lest the reader worry about where this will end up, we state here at the outset that we will likely be accused of being classical/traditional Arminians. However, that is not what we particularly aspire to be. We aspire to be Biblicists—neither Arminian nor Calvinist!

Biblicists require holy living as true fruit of salvation; the extreme Arminians and extreme Calvinists do not. Though opposites doctrinally, these systems converge on the question of loose living. The one tolerates sinful behavior because you can always get saved again. The other denies that we have any responsibility for our actions, holding to a cheap fatalism that excuses sin even among professing Christians—“Once saved, always saved.” Both are biblically wrong.

Included in our presentation will be articles and parts of articles from those who have gone before us in the Sword and Trumpet ministry. We aim for an explanation that includes due emphasis on the clear teachings of Scripture, acknowledging God’s sovereign authority in all things, man’s responsibility as a free moral agent, the effects of the Fall on man’s nature, and the transforming power of the Gospel that frees us from our sinful flesh so we may serve God acceptably. Our authority in all things is God’s written Word. We must not allow any man-made system to trump God’s authoritative Scriptures. His Word alone wins the day.

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