Podcast: Third Culture and the Loss of Biblical Authority

The authority of Scripture is unquestionably one of the fundamental issues of our time. Other presenting issues (such as the atonement, hell, sin, etc.) reveal the underlying issue. We don’t think of ourselves as operating under the authority of the Bible. Sure, we reference the Bible when it supports our view. We use it to validate our opinions, but we don’t allow it to shape them. Until Scripture is the absolute, unquestioned authority, we still have work to do. Listen Now

The Necessity of Divine Revelation | Part Four

Without Scripture we would hopelessly flounder in search of the truth. We must realize, though, that we suffer the same when we neglect the word of God. We in the 21st century have more access to the word of God than any other generation. This is a privilege, but it leads us to underappreciate what we have. This deluge often produces apathy toward what we have. Our ready access to Scripture can, ironically, lead us to neglect it. Read More

Podcast: From the Mouth of God – Inspiration and Authority [Foundations]

So then, does it matter what be believe about the inspiration of Scripture? I hope you see with me that it absolutely does. Our faithfulness in the gospel rests on whether or not we continue to live in faithful submission to Scripture. Whether Christianity will continue to the next generation—or even survive this one—rests on our commitment, with all true believers, to believe the Word of God and to live according to the Word of God. Listen Now

Podcast: From the Mouth of God: Part Three [Foundations]

The Bible is not another book we leave to collect dust on the shelf. It is categorically distinct, a level above every other book written since it is the only one written by God. When we read the Bible, we hear directly from the Lord of the universe. We see His great work through history and His magnificent grace given in the gospel. The Bible is God’s Word to us. Listen Now