The Arminian/Calvinism Conflict and Why It Matters | Part Four

This series is from the From the Editor's Desk column of the Sword and Trumpet. The articles were co-authored by Paul Emerson and myself. While the debate over God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility in salvation continued in various forms over the 1000+ years between Augustine and the Reformation, there is little to enhance this particular … Continue reading The Arminian/Calvinism Conflict and Why It Matters | Part Four

The Arminian/Calvinism Conflict and Why It Matters | Part Three

This series is from the From the Editor's Desk column of the Sword and Trumpet. The articles were co-authored by Paul Emerson and myself. In this series on Arminianism vs Calvinism, we will attempt to briefly discuss Aurelius Augustine because of his contribution to the controversy by writing against the errors of Pelagius. Augustine was … Continue reading The Arminian/Calvinism Conflict and Why It Matters | Part Three

The Arminian/Calvinism Conflict and Why It Matters | Part Two

This series is from the From the Editor's Desk column of the Sword and Trumpet. The articles were co-authored by Paul Emerson and myself. The theological disagreement that we know today as the Arminian/Calvinist controversy is an age-old schism. It first revealed itself in a major way through Pelagius (circa 354-418 AD). We will attempt … Continue reading The Arminian/Calvinism Conflict and Why It Matters | Part Two

The Arminian/Calvinism Conflict and Why It Matters | Part One

This series is from the From the Editor's Desk column of the Sword and Trumpet. The articles were co-authored by Paul Emerson and myself. Throughout church history the two truths of the free will of man and the sovereignty of God have often been presented as oppositional to one another. Whole systems of dogmatic theology … Continue reading The Arminian/Calvinism Conflict and Why It Matters | Part One

Podcast: Naked Before God – Hebrews 4:11-13 [Expositions]

Scripture reveals who we really are. It cuts through our facades, exposing our true selves. When it works on us, we are laid bare before God. Though we may be able to maintain a veneer of righteousness in our own efforts, Scripture peels it back and uncovers our sinful hearts. And in the final judgment, it will reveal our sin before the thrice-holy God. Not one thing can be hidden from Scripture’s razor scalpel. It “is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Listen Now