Christian headship and the covering are not about cultural identity, nor are they about perfunctory conformity. They ultimately reflect and emulate Christ, His Church, and the gospel. Thus, our obedience must not be obligatory, but joyful and voluntary. Read More
Godly Manhood: A Young Man’s Perspective
“Godly Manhood: A Young Man’s Perspective.” That’s the title. And though I could spout off what I think, it wouldn’t be worth much without substance to back it up. So my aim will be to show you what I believe biblical, godly manhood is and must be by looking at four things a godly man is/does. He is gospel-grounded, he stands, he submits, and he serves. Read More
Evaluating Media
Analyzing media is difficult. It seems that you can find as many decided, contrary opinions as you can thinking Christians, and we struggle to find biblical direction because media and the Bible seem to have minimal overlap. Our discussion today will aim to address this issue intellectually and biblically. I present three litmus tests for your media evaluation: style, content, and intent. Read More
What is Faith?
So what is faith? Faith is an appeal to the grace and mercy of God. Faith is surrender to the Life-giver. Faith is assurance that he who has begun a good work in us will continually complete it until the day of Christ. But most of all, faith is unwavering confidence in Christ as our only hope. Faith releases all else and moors itself securely to Christ. Faith loses all but Christ, but in him it finds everything. Read More
The Divine Word
Journey with me to the dawn of time. All that exists is darkness. Stillness.
Suddenly, a voice thunders. Words teeming with energy and life cut through the silence. Light explodes into the blackness, its brilliance piercing the empty expanse. The Creator breathes and planets form. Stars converge out of nothing; creatures of unimaginable complexity and beauty spring into existence. All of creation vibrates with life, brought forth by the word of God.
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