As we continue down the roads of these systems, we find that they continue to diverge. While they agree on some of the initial principles, there are some subtle—but important—differences between these views, especially on their understanding of predestination, election, faith, and the nature of man’s free will. Read More
Tag: Salvation
What Arminius Taught About Salvation | Part 3
Arminius was quite unwilling to go beyond the clear teachings of Scripture. As such, he left a number of theological blanks, unwilling to fill them in if he believed Scripture gave no clear answer. Those who followed him gradually filled in those blanks, developing a system more logically cohesive but less biblical. Logic superseded biblicism and the resulting system, though not unbiblical, seems to me to exceed God’s revelation in Scripture. Read More
What Arminius Taught About Salvation | Part 2
Arminius believed that if anything good will happen in our world, it must begin with God. The foremost good thing is the salvation of sinners, a work God both initiates and enables. Arminius allowed no merit or credit to go to man, describing even faith itself as God’s gift. As we think of our own salvation experiences, we are reminded that God alone gets the glory for saving sinners such as us. Read More
What Arminius Taught About Salvation | Part 1
Arminius dedicated himself to the faithful study of Scripture. He developed a cohesive explanation of the gospel and of Christianity that is both compelling and biblical. Yet he may not believe everything you think he believes. Read More