God is not silent, and He is not distant. God is working in this world for good. If we are His, we experience that goodness even now in tangible ways. Yet how great is the glory of His works throughout history! These are ours to enjoy as they are preserved for us in Scripture. Read More
Tag: Revelation
The Necessity of Divine Revelation | Part 1
The created world cannot be rightly understood without the Bible. God cannot be known without it. We cannot understand ourselves without it. We do not rightly know our need for salvation or the way of salvation without what God has revealed to us in Scripture. We would not know how God expects us to live, except He has shown us in His word. God has shone into our darkness with His marvelous light, the light of His revealed word. Read More
Divine Revelation
We have a knowledge of God, but where does that knowledge come from? At the base level, how do we know God? Do we have the ability within ourselves to search out the character and will of God? No. We, with our limited capacities, can only guess at who God is. “There are mysteries which the human mind, unaided by revelation from God, can never unravel. They are beyond us. The only way by which such things can be found out is by getting information from one who knows—and who, besides the Infinite God, can know them—except through revelation from Him?” Read More