We remember that our confidence in the canon is not in our own observations, nor is it in the abilities of mere men to correctly identify and compile God’s words, but it must ultimately be in God’s faithfulness to His people. By this we believe that God has truly provided us with His Word and has given us all we need. And so we know that, “The canon of Scripture today is exactly what God wanted it to be, and it will stay that way until Christ returns.”11 Our Bible—Genesis to Revelation—contains every word God intended for His people. It is truly and fully the Word of God. Read More
Tag: Canon
The Canon of Scripture | Part 2
Just as God was at work in creation, in the calling of his people Israel, in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, and in the early work and writings of the apostles, so God was at work in the preservation and assembling together of the books of Scripture for the benefit of His people for the entire church age. Ultimately, then, we base our confidence in the correctness of our present canon on the faithfulness of God. Read More
The Canon of Scripture | Part 1
God speaks. Through His word He formed the heavens. He breathed out stars. He breathed into man, giving him life. And He did not abandon man—He spoke to him, telling him of Himself. To Abraham He gave a blessing and a promise. To Moses He gave direction and the law. To the prophets He gave warnings and judgments. He spoke to the apostles, teaching the new covenant through Christ. He spoke to the church, guiding them into truth and into grace. And He speaks to us today. Read More