Jacob Arminius is one of the most influential figures of the Reformation, yet he is simultaneously one of the least appreciated and least understood. Many are those who find refuge in his shadow; few understand who he was or what he stood for. Read More
Podcast: God Loves to Save Sinners [Touchpoints]
God does not save because He has to; He saves because He wants to. And it is His joy. He does not save begrudgingly; God loves to save sinners. Hebrews says Christ went willingly to the cross. In fact, He rejoiced despite the shame. He wanted to save sinners, and He freely gave His life to redeem us. Listen Now
Is Hell Eternal? | Part 4
We need to deal with some of the key words used in Scripture to describe hell. This will get a bit more technical, but I encourage you to stick it out. If we believe that God inspired the very words of Scripture, we must be concerned with the specific meanings of those words. Much of the Conditional Immortality framework depends on subtle redefinitions of language. Read More
Podcast: From the Mouth of God – Inspiration and Authority [Foundations]
So then, does it matter what be believe about the inspiration of Scripture? I hope you see with me that it absolutely does. Our faithfulness in the gospel rests on whether or not we continue to live in faithful submission to Scripture. Whether Christianity will continue to the next generation—or even survive this one—rests on our commitment, with all true believers, to believe the Word of God and to live according to the Word of God. Listen Now
Podcast: From the Mouth of God: Part Three [Foundations]
The Bible is not another book we leave to collect dust on the shelf. It is categorically distinct, a level above every other book written since it is the only one written by God. When we read the Bible, we hear directly from the Lord of the universe. We see His great work through history and His magnificent grace given in the gospel. The Bible is God’s Word to us. Listen Now
Is Hell Eternal? | Part 3
Edward Fudge uses Psalm 37:10 as the starting point for his presentation on Annihilationism, interpreting it as conclusively teaching that the wicked will be annihilated in the judgment. But is that what it means? Read More
Podcast: From the Mouth of God: Part Two [Foundations]
Does inspiration apply to every part of Scripture? Just the “spiritual” parts? Just the New Testament? Just the gospels? The biblical view says that all of Scripture is inspired. Listen Now
Liberal Conservatives
As Anabaptists, we typically think of the conservative/liberal paradigm in terms of outward appearance. We need a paradigm adjustment. Read More
Podcast: From the Mouth of God: Part One [Foundations]
We believe that when Scripture speaks, God speaks. Scripture is not a lesser revelation than if God were to show up tonight and speak directly to you or me. The words of Scripture are the very words of God. Scripture comes from the mouth of God. Listen Now
Is Hell Eternal? | Part 2
I think we can admit that there’s a certain appeal to the Conditional Immortality understanding of hell. Hell is uncomfortable to talk about and horrifying to think about. Conditional Immortality creatively weaves Scriptures together to soften the severity of hell without erasing it entirely. There’s a good deal of emotional appeal to the idea that God will eventually release sinners from suffering. It portrays a kinder God and eases the terrors of hell. But is it what the Bible teaches? Read More