Podcast: Confidence in Christ – Hebrews 3:7-19 [Expositions]

Christians ought to be confident people. Not in ourselves and not in our works, that's self-righteousness and self-centeredness. Our confidence is never in ourselves; we are those who "put no confidence in the flesh." Our confidence is in Christ. We know, because God has said it is true, that Christ has accomplished salvation for us. Our confidence is in Him. Listen Now

The Necessity of Divine Revelation | Part Four

Without Scripture we would hopelessly flounder in search of the truth. We must realize, though, that we suffer the same when we neglect the word of God. We in the 21st century have more access to the word of God than any other generation. This is a privilege, but it leads us to underappreciate what we have. This deluge often produces apathy toward what we have. Our ready access to Scripture can, ironically, lead us to neglect it. Read More

Podcast: Consider Christ – Hebrews 3.1-6 [Expositions]

In his call to faithfulness the author of Hebrews is careful to point us to Christ. We are to “give heed to the things we have learned,” not neglecting the salvation God offers us. But the all-important question is: where is that salvation found? In the law? In Moses? In some other historical figure? In some other moral code? No, but salvation is found in Christ. We confess Christ, our mediator, our High Priest, our Saviour. We must consider Him, see His person, see His greatness, and put our faith in Him. Listen Now

Podcast: FEATURE – The Six Gospels [Touchpoints]

What we believe about the gospel is important. Actually, important is an understatement. The gospel is the very core of the Christian faith. What we believe about the gospel is one of the single defining realities of Christianity. In fact, what we believe about the gospel makes the difference of heaven or hell. This feature episode is an in-depth look at different views of the gospel, focusing especially on the concepts of justification and sanctification. Listen Now