One Word | Nekros

Every human is born with the same problem—spiritual death. You can dispute it or deny it, but the apostle Paul says all of us—even himself—are spiritually dead apart from Christ. “We all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath.” That’s a pretty dismal diagnosis. Read More

The Inerrancy of Scripture | Part 3

We have every reason to believe that the original Scriptures were free from error, and no good reason to deny that our current Bible is a faithful representative of the original. We can and must believe that our Bible is trustworthy and inerrant.

But ultimately, our own attitudes determine where we come out on these issues. If we are determined to find errors in the Bible, they can be found. But if we believe the Bible is true, and are willing to entertain viable explanations, we can reasonably believe that it is inerrant. Read More