We understand by now that Scripture is inspired, authoritative, and inerrant. But the question comes: that may have been true when the words were written, but who’s to say our Bibles still bear those same characteristics? Did the years of transmission, with copies upon copies, compromise the integrity of the text? Read More
The Infallibility of Scripture
Infallibility means that, not only is the Bible true in its content, but it is also true in its purpose. When our thoughts and behaviors are shaped by the Bible, we can be assured that we are being brought closer to the truth. The Bible is true, and it leads us to truth. Read More
The Inerrancy of Scripture | Part 4
We have concluded that the Bible is inerrant—free from essential error in all its parts. While we do find apparent contradictions between passages and between manuscripts, these differences do not compromise the integrity of God’s Word. We believe that it is true, and we trust in it as the source of truth. Read More
One Word | Nekros
Every human is born with the same problem—spiritual death. You can dispute it or deny it, but the apostle Paul says all of us—even himself—are spiritually dead apart from Christ. “We all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath.” That’s a pretty dismal diagnosis. Read More
The Inerrancy of Scripture | Part 3
We have every reason to believe that the original Scriptures were free from error, and no good reason to deny that our current Bible is a faithful representative of the original. We can and must believe that our Bible is trustworthy and inerrant.
But ultimately, our own attitudes determine where we come out on these issues. If we are determined to find errors in the Bible, they can be found. But if we believe the Bible is true, and are willing to entertain viable explanations, we can reasonably believe that it is inerrant.
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The Inerrancy of Scripture | Part 2
What we believe about the Word of God will inevitably affect what we believe about everything else and will shape how we live. Inerrancy—the belief that the Bible is entirely true in all its parts—is significant for this very reason. We cannot say we have a truthful, trustworthy God if we believe His inspired Word is anything but true and trustworthy. Read More
Understanding Christ’s Atonement | Audio Presentation
Systematic review of historical views of the atonement and a defense for penal substitution as the predominate teaching of Scripture. Originally presented at Truth and Grace Mennonite Church. Listen Here
One Word | Aletheia
We learn about what is true by studying the Bible. If we want to know God, we must study Scripture. We cannot have good theology, keep a pure gospel, or live God-honoring lives without submitting ourselves to the true Word. The Bible shows us things as they actually are, because God sees things as they are. To truly know God, we must understand His Word—the Word of Truth. Read More
The Inerrancy of Scripture | Part 1
On the heels of the truthfulness and authority of Scripture comes its inerrancy. The three are closely intertwined, and especially connected are truthfulness and inerrancy. When we say Scripture is true, we positively affirm that it is correct in every area, in every way. When we call it inerrant, we deny that anything in it is incorrect or in error. Read More
The Truthfulness and Authority of Scripture | Part 2
We understand that, since God has all authority, His Word also has all authority. Having authority means having “power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior.”1 Just like God does not conform to some higher truth standard but is Himself the standard, so God does not draw His authority from a higher power but is Himself the highest authority. Read More