Powerless Absolution

The nature of Christ’s atonement is becoming a common discussion. It’s an important one, one upon which our salvation rests. What exactly did Christ do in His death that freed us from sin? Bound up in this is our understanding of what it is that separates us from God. What interferes with full fellowship? What prevents God from embracing all of His creatures in His love? What must we be saved from if we are to be saved to God? Read More

The Necessity of Divine Revelation | Part 1

The created world cannot be rightly understood without the Bible. God cannot be known without it. We cannot understand ourselves without it. We do not rightly know our need for salvation or the way of salvation without what God has revealed to us in Scripture. We would not know how God expects us to live, except He has shown us in His word. God has shone into our darkness with His marvelous light, the light of His revealed word. Read More

What Arminius Taught About Salvation | Part 6

The four issues I’ve outlined are genuine problems in our generation. We have drifted from biblical center, and it is vital that we again find our moorings. Beyond Arminianism, we need to moor ourselves to the Scriptures. In our laxity and our preference for comfortable beliefs over biblical beliefs, we have lost track of some of the essentials of the gospel. Read More

What Arminius Taught About Salvation | Part 5

I believe much of what hides behind the label “Arminianism” today actually disregards core Scriptural truths. Since Arminianism is generally accepted as a viable framework, Arminian-sounding beliefs are accepted as true, even if they are disharmonious with God’s revelation. I will attempt to paint several warning signs that we can use to determine when someone is beginning to go off the rails of biblical Christianity. Read More

What Arminius Taught About Salvation | Part 3

Arminius was quite unwilling to go beyond the clear teachings of Scripture. As such, he left a number of theological blanks, unwilling to fill them in if he believed Scripture gave no clear answer. Those who followed him gradually filled in those blanks, developing a system more logically cohesive but less biblical. Logic superseded biblicism and the resulting system, though not unbiblical, seems to me to exceed God’s revelation in Scripture. Read More

What Arminius Taught About Salvation | Part 2

Arminius believed that if anything good will happen in our world, it must begin with God. The foremost good thing is the salvation of sinners, a work God both initiates and enables. Arminius allowed no merit or credit to go to man, describing even faith itself as God’s gift. As we think of our own salvation experiences, we are reminded that God alone gets the glory for saving sinners such as us. Read More