The Blog
Hello! Welcome to the Theological Touchpoints writing repository and blog. This is a landing place for writings from several publications I’m privileged to contribute to. It is continually updated to include new articles. It’s also a platform for other various theological and expositional writings that come along as I have opportunity.
Regular readers of The Sword and Trumpet will recognize the blog name from the column I’ve written in that publication since early 2019. That name encapsulates my vision for this blog—theology made practical. I firmly believe that our knowledge of God (our theology) is fundamental to every other aspect of our Christian life, and I believe Scripture is the only absolute authority regarding that God. My aim is to make theological truths accessible and practical.
As an Anabaptist, I’m partial to our historical commitment to Scripture as our authority on what we believe and what we do. But I also see many in this heritage who have traded a commitment to the Word for a commitment to a culture or a way of life. I treasure many of our distinctives, and I hope to help you secure your beliefs to Scripture—the only sure anchor for our faith.
A third reason for this blog is to stimulate theological discussion among Anabaptists. None of us are infallible in our interpretations of Scripture, but I believe we can sharpen each other as we conform to the infallible Word. This blog exists for you, dear reader, as much as it does for me.
About Me
You may be wondering about me, too. I grew up in Goshen, IN, but I now live in Elnora, IN with my four favorite people: my wife Ruthie and our sons Corin, Bennett, and Lucas. I had the privilege of attending several semesters at Elnora Bible Institute in 2014-2016, where I graduated with a certificate in Christian Ministries. I spent three years in a pastoral apprenticeship program at Truth and Grace Mennonite Church, where we continue to attend. I teach adult Sunday School and occasionally preach.
I’m grateful to God for His faithfulness to an imperfect person such as myself. His grace is the only reason anything else in my life has purpose, and I hope He may be glorified in every aspect of my life.
– Julian Stoltzfus

The Sword and Trumpet
The Sword and Trumpet monthly magazine is a faith ministry directed by a board representing various constituencies of Conservative Anabaptism. It is committed to defending, proclaiming, and promoting the whole Gospel of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. It emphasizes neglected truth and contends for “the faith which was once delivered to the saints.” This publication exposes and opposes doctrinal error which compromises that faith and leads to apostasy.
I began writing for The Sword and Trumpet early in 2019, and I continue to write a monthly column on systematic theology, entitled Theological Touchpoints. I also produce a podcast and serve as the assistant editor. New articles and podcast episodes are posted here as they are published.
All Sword and Trumpet articles can be found here.
Radi-Call is a group of conservative Anabaptist youth from different states and church backgrounds who share a common love for Jesus Christ.
Radi-Call is where I got my feet wet. I wrote from 2016-2020 on a variety of topics, including the Headship Covering, Sexual Purity, and Spiritual Gifts. Radi-Call stopped publishing new content at the close of 2020.